Covenant Sunday 2023 Click the picture to watch the video

Covenant Sunday - September 28, 2025 11:00 a.m.

event details

What’s it all about?

The term "covenant" comes from Jesus' words of consecration over the cup during the Last Supper. "This cup is the new covenant in my blood." (Luke 22:20) Since our worship is centered in the Eucharist, we are a people of the Covenant, that is, called through Baptism, into community by our Lord. Each year, on the last Sunday in September, the Community celebrates a special, covenant-renewal Mass. During this Covenant Sunday Mass the community is led in a covenant ceremony. We use our Scrolls to renew our commitments to the covenant way of life and to the three virtues of hospitality, spirituality and stewardship.

Mark Your Calendars

Sunday, September 28, 2025, we will hold our annual Covenant Sunday Mass and Celebration.  This is always held on the last Sunday in the month of September.  This outside celebration starts at 11AM with Mass in the Grotto, great lunch and desserts along with games and activities.

RSVP for the Meal: Click here to RSVP for the delicious meal



As a community, we all pitch in to prepare for this great annual event so please consider joining or chairing one of the sub-committees.

How can I participate meaningfully?

  1. Plan to attend the Mass at 11 am with Family and JGS Friends

  2. Dedicate your commitment to the Covenant way of life and our ministries on your Scroll and bring it to the Altar during the Mass. (There are age appropriate scrolls for the whole family.)

  3. Stay for the meal, fellowship and festival after Mass (and bring a dessert to share if your last name begins with N-Z)

  4. Many, many volunteers are needed on Covenant Sunday, look for sign-up sheets in the atrium and consider helping out.

  • Tent / Chair Setup - Saturday before

  • Food Preparation - Saturday before

  • Food and Dessert Setups

  • Parking and Grounds Preparation

  • Liturgical setup (altar, banners, Holy items)

  • Music / Choir

  • Games and Activities

  • First Aid Tent

  • Drink Stations

  • Trash Collection / Monitoring


  1. Wear comfortable weather appropriate casual clothing for the event.

  2. Prepare for the celebration by coming early to park and walk to the Grotto.

  3. Bring a chair or blanket to sit under the shady trees.

  4. Review, fill out and prepare your Covenant scroll, use link below.

  5. Scroll Pre-K-3rd grade/Scroll Grade 4-5/Scroll Grade 6-8/Scroll High School/Scroll Adult

At the same time we offer our gifts of time, talent and treasure on a yearly basis to the Lord as His Spirit guides each of us, and join Christian study groups. The Mass is followed by the Covenant Festival.

Three virtues give special focus to our Covenant Community.

HOSPITALITY: Through the virtue of Hospitality we endeavor to know and care about each other, to share a deep sense of belonging, and to welcome the stranger. The MINISTRIES of HOSPITALITY help us to get to know each other through shared meals and fun times together, helping to form us into a close-knit community of Faith.

SPIRITUALITY: Through the virtue of Spirituality we endeavor to celebrate the LITURGY in the traditions of the Church and to develop MINISTRIES OF SPIRITUAL GROWTH within the Community.

STEWARDSHIP: Through the virtue of Stewardship we recognize that each Confirmed person has gifts to bring to the building of the Kingdom of God. We engage in MINISTRIES OF JUSTICE AND CHARITY, including maintaining a relationship with a Sister Parish in the Third World. We support the Lord’s work through SACRIFICIAL GIVING, and avoid means of support which are not within His plan for the Church.

Covenant Sunday 2022 Pictures

Covenant Sunday 2024