Journey with Jesus
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Journey with Jesus 〰️ Sign up today 〰️
VBS at JGS - June 16-20, 2024
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
To register for VBS, click here
To volunteer for VBS, click here
Attention High School Teens
ACT Summer Mission Trips are Right Around the Corner
There will be TWO Mission Trips this Summer! The only thing we need to make this happen is YOU! That means current high school teens, Mission Trip Alumni, and adult volunteers!
Mission Trip 1: June 22 through June 27, Plymouth, NC. A smaller group is needed (12-15 total). Prior experience is a plus! Mission Trip 2: July 5 through July 12, Lafayette, TN. This will be a larger group (35 total including chaperones). Families welcome! Prior experience is not needed.
There will be an application and selection will be based on the following criteria:
· Attendance at mass
· Attendance and active participation at ACT (not applicable to Confirmation candidates)
· Previous attendance on a mission trip
· Willingness to make a difference.
· Participation in JGS VBS
Criteria that will not be used for selection includes:
· Inability to pay.
· Participation in outside activities
More details will be available as we get closer. If you have any questions, reach out to Deacon Paul via email at or see him after mass. Donations are most welcome too!
Check out our youth page to learn how you can get involved with our teen group called Active Catholic Teens. Click: