Our Community welcomes all and we invite all those seeking... 

NEW TO OUR PARISH? – Welcome! Normally, we would invite you to join us for Hospitality after Mass, however, due to Covid-19 restrictions, Hospitality after Mass has been temporarily suspended. We do want to know you! The best way to stay in touch with us is through Flocknote. To sign-up text 84576 keyword: ccjgs. Or from your computer https://app.flocknote.com/ccjgs.

Are you interested in joining JGS? We invite you to register online using the link below. All new members will be invited to a New Members’ Meeting to be welcomed in-person as our Community Virtues demand! Anyone who would like to join JGS is welcome at the meeting, even if you didn’t register online first. Our New Members’ Meetings (with physical distancing and masks) are usually held the second Sunday every other month following the late morning Mass, giving you the opportunity to learn about our vision as a community and its ministries and register as a member if you haven’t done so already. Registration is required of every Catholic in a parish and gives the parish an idea of the number of participating Catholics. It also allows a parish to extend courtesies to members such as letter of sponsorship, recommendations, etc.

OCIA - Order of Christian Initiation for Adults – We welcome adults interested in becoming Catholic into our year-round OCIA program. Please contact the church office at 410-257-3810 or Father Peter at 410-257- 3810 ext 1003, or by email Laura at secretary@ccjgs.org or Father Peter at pastor@ccjgs.org if you have questions. Click here for more information about our program!

BAPTISM PREPARATION – Parents seeking baptism in the next year are encouraged to call the church office at 410-257-3810 or email receptionist@ccjgs.org.  We invite all new (and expecting!) parents to a baptism retreat to be held 3 times per year.

Catholic parents of the child to be baptized must be registered members of JGS. Baptisms are held on Sunday after the last morning Mass. Please click here to contact the church office to request the necessary forms. A Catholic godparent must be a registered and practicing Catholic, confirmed in writing by his or her proper pastor.

SACRAMENT OF MATRIMONY - We rejoice with members who are preparing for the Sacrament of Marriage. We encourage couples to contact our office at least one year in advance; otherwise, dates cannot be guaranteed. Please do not set a date before making church arrangements. Dates for weddings cannot be arranged before a preliminary meeting.

EUCHARISTIC ADORATION - Adoration is a sign of devotion to and worship of Jesus Christ.  Spend some thoughtful prayer time every Thursday 8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Additional Adoration time may be offered during Lent.