We are the Covenant Community of Jesus the Good Shepherd - A Roman Catholic Church
We are...
We are a vibrant, faithful, and welcoming community committed to following the teachings of Jesus Christ and spreading God's word. Our mission is to serve the Lord by evangelizing through the virtues of hospitality, spirituality, and stewardship.
When we call ourselves the "Covenant" Community of Jesus the Good Shepherd, we recall Jesus's words of consecration over the cup during the Last Supper. "This cup is the new covenant in my blood" (Luke 22:20). Since our worship is centered in the Eucharist, we are a covenanted people.
Through the virtue of hospitality we endeavor to know and care about each other, to share a deep sense of belonging, and to welcome the stranger as Jesus Christ did.
Through the virtue of spirituality we endeavor to celebrate the Liturgy in the best traditions of the Church, to promote participation in small Christian study groups, and to develop ministries of spiritual growth within the community.
Through the virtue of stewardship we recognize that each Confirmed person has gifts to bring to the upbuilding of the Kingdom of God. We engage in works of justice and charity, including maintaining a relationship with a sister parish in Haiti.
Our community's first Mass was held on the Feast of the Baptism of John the Baptist in January 1985. We were known as "Calvert Catholic Community NW" with Rev. Paul M. Dudziak as our founding Pastor. More than three decades later, we remain committed to continuing the work of Jesus Christ.
We invite you to worship with us.
Our Founding Virtues
"Set out into the deep" (Luke 5:4). The spirituality of our covenant community is nourished and expressed in three fundamental ways - full, active participation in the Liturgy, spiritual growth for life through small group participation, and engaging in ministries of spiritual growth.
Saint Peter reminds us that a Christian is a steward of the grace of God. "As generous stewards of God's manifold grace, put your gifts at the service of one another, each in the measure he has received" (1 Peter 4:10).
"Make hospitality your special care" (Romans 12:13). To know and care about each other, to share a deep sense of belonging, to welcome the stranger - these are the Christ-like qualities of an hospitable community. "The person who welcomes you, welcomes me" (Matthew 10:40).