Digital Photography

What: Use your camera & good eye to help capture moments at special events

When: Throughout the year; choose events that fit your schedule

Contact: Nick Iascone ▪ 443-964-6128 ▪


What: Set up and serve provided baked goods after assigned Masses

When: After each Mass every weekend (except for KofC breakfast mornings)

Contact: Church Office, Sheryl or Laura, 410-257-3810

What: Social group of women serving God & Community through events

When: 2nd Wednesday of each month in the Centre

Contact: Cathy Bodenhorn at

Martha & Mary Society

What: Meetings to welcome and register new members

When: Every other month, held on Sundays after 2nd Mass

Contact: Julie O’Keefe ▪ 410-610-8315 ▪

New Members Ministry

What: Independent work; pieces are sold in the spring to support youth missions

When: Scheduled times vary

Contact: Jayne Hopkins ▪ ▪ 410-279-1991

Pottery Studio

What: Social group of mature adults with fun events and outings

When: Monthly

Contact: Ed Reilly ▪ 443-968-9679 ▪

Second Spring