MASS OF REMEMBRANCE: There will be a special MASS OF REMEMBRANCE that will feature the Faure Requiem, the JGS Choir, and guest organist on Saturday, November 2 at the 4:30pm Vigil Mass. All of our dearly departed whose funerals were at JGS this year will be remembered in this special Mass of Remembrance, and all are invited to attend this event. Gabriel Faure wrote this piece of music before Vatican II (way before in fact -- 1888!) so the assembly responses will not be as participatory as our current Mass setting music (Entrance Chant, Offertory, Holy, Lamb of God, Communion, and Recessional). Think of this night as a reflective, meditative Mass to remember our dearly departed who have passed in the last year. Given this large and historical piece of music, JGS is excited to have professional guest artists that will be joining us for the evening. Please consider sponsoring this event by making a donation and in the memo writing "Faure Requiem". Questions, contact Katie at