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Sat, Feb. 9 Saturday Evening Dinner, after 4:30 p.m. Mass - Special Blessing for Married Couples at the Mass

You are invited to a "Sweetheart Dinner" on Saturday, February 9, 2019.  Father Mike will provide a Special Blessing for all married couples at the 4:30 PM Vigil Mass.  A special dinner will be prepared and served by the JGS Men's Club following the Mass in the Centre.  The menu for the Sweetheart Dinner is Chicken Piccata, Seasoned Green Beans, Rice Pilaf, Dinner Rolls, Tossed Salad and beverages.  And for dessert - Crème Brulee, Chocolate-Dipped Strawberries, and other homemade specialties. All families and couples are invited to attend this great social event.  A goodwill offering is suggested.  All proceeds from the dinner will support the Men's Club Citizenship Award


January 27

Jan 27 - Feb 1 - Catholic Schools Week - Cardinal Hickey Academy Open House Jan 27, 12:30-2:00p.m.

February 9

Feb 10, 10:45 a.m. Mass - Rite of Acceptance for RCIA