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Wed, May 6 - Names for Mother's Day Novena Due - 5p.m.

Mother’s Day is Sunday, May 10TH and a wonderful way to remember your mother, living or deceased, is by enrolling her in our Mother’s Day Novena of Masses. Masses will be celebrated  via live  stream for all mothers enrolled in the 9 day novena, May 11th-19th.

To enroll your mom or other special woman in your life, send an email to and request more information about the Mother’s Day Novena.

Due date to submit names is Wednesday, May 6th at 5 p.m.

We would like to thank you for the financial support during the pandemic. If you would like to give a small donation for the your special someone in the novena, a suggested offering is $10/per name or $12 if paying via faithdirect. Please be sure to write "mom novena" on the memo line of your check. Checks may be mailed to Jesus the Good Shepherd, 1601 West Mount Harmony Rd, Owings, MD 20736.

May 5

Tues-Saturday morning - 8:00 a.m. Livestream Daily Mass

May 10

Sunday, May 10 - Happy Mother's Day, Live-stream Mass at 9:30 a.m.