Altar Servers

What: Assist priest/deacons during Mass (grades 5 & above)

Contact: Laurie Spence ▪

Eucharistic Ministers

What: Assist with distribution of Eucharist; clean vessels & credence table after Mass

Contact: Front Office ▪ 410-257-3810 ▪


What: Welcome people to Mass, take up offertory, supervise parking for special events

Contact: Front Office ▪ 410-257-3810 ▪


What: Proclaim the Scriptures and lead Prayers of the Faithful during the Mass

Contact: Front Office ▪ 410-257-3810 ▪



JGS Choir: Sings during Sunday morning Masses & special events. They rehearse Thurs nights from 7-8:30pm and Sunday mornings before Mass from 10-10:45am. They often sing for featured events, concerts, outreach, and seasonal celebrations.

Youth Choir: Grades 4-12, Sept-March. They rehearse Thursdays from 5:30pm-6:45pm in the church. Youth Choir is a member of the American Federation of Pueri Cantores, the official student choral organization of the Catholic Church.

Contact: Katie Evans ▪ 410-257-38109 ext 1017 ▪

What: Set up for liturgy and clean up after Mass

Contact: Front Office ▪ 410-257-3810 ▪


Seasonal Church Decoration

What: Decorating inside and outside the church for special holidays/seasons

When: As needed; especially at Advent/Christmas and Lent/Easter

Contact: Front Office ▪ 410-257-3810 ▪

What: Children’s Christmas Play: A live pageant or pantomime of the Nativity Story with costumes and props, to create a wonder and joy around the Christmas story for young ones.

When: 4pm Christmas Eve Mass (with additional practices, up to coordinator)

Contact: COORDINATOR NEEDED, call Front Office ▪ 410-257-3810 ▪

Children’s Christmas Liturgy

What: A Team presenting scripture to children (prek4-Grade 4) on their level through songs and stories.

When: During Sunday 10:45am Mass in the Chapel, (During 9:45am in Summer)

Contact: Jan Coker ▪ 410-257-3810 ▪

Children’s Liturgy of the Word

What: Give Eucharist to those in our community who are homebound or in the hospital

When: Monthly rotation

Contact: Deacon Paul Fagan ▪ 857-323-2426 ▪

Eucharist for the Homebound

Liturgical Minister’s Dinner April 1, 2019 in Shepherd’s Cove

Liturgical Minister’s Dinner April 1, 2019 in Shepherd’s Cove

Liturgical Minister's Dinner 
We hope this year to bring back the Liturgical Minister’s Dinner for Advent and Lent. It is a wonderful chance to reflect on your shared experiences as ministers of the liturgy, and to connect with our community through scripture, song, and a meal. Check back for updates!

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Holy Week


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Fellowship and Food